Job Done - Enough Said

Sat 13 Dec 2014 22:32
14:04.55N 060:56.89W Day Twenty-One at Sea but then It's All Over - 13/12/14 We are in. Job done. Hull, rig, crew and Skip all safe in St Lucia. Skip, always the gentleman and a Man to Make An Entrance, held back until first light and let another slower boat, Laros, go onto the finish line before us to ensure maximum fuss when we arrived. We did not know then, but found out by the crowd in town, that 32 boats would finish in this 24 hours. We rounded Pigeon Island on the NW corner of St Lucia and ran softly across the Finish whilst a photographer did rings around us. Skip normally does not smile that much. Doc (MA, OX Breath, ON Drugs etc, etc) heaved his tummy in for two whole minutes. Nav-man took photos of the photographer, Schnoogle was awake, Shrimps, new to all this, just took it in. Once across the line, and with the paparazzi worrying about another starlet, Skip returned to form and it was sails down, lines and fenders ready and more orders. he was noticeably less relationship-orientated than when he was in the deep blue sea. After a neat series of parking manoeuvres we were tied up and done. St Lucians came to greet us. The pink rum punches were served up and slurped. There are not many people awake in Rodney Bay Marina at 0634 so we hugged a little, shook hands a lot and started on those tinnies in the fridge. You can imagine how the day went after that. Yes - that is just how it was. We were in. The Job was done. Hull, rig, crew and Skip were all safe in St Lucia. Enough Said. Thanks for reading. We are coming Home. |