St Nikolaus Day

Sat 6 Dec 2014 19:12
15:55.45N 042:13.6W

Day Thirteen at Sea - 06/12/14

For you Reader, it is the weekend. For us, aboard Juno, it is just another day.

Wind at last, and not just from Homan. Sailed all night at 6.5-8.5kts with the wind coming in over the port quarter - so quite comfortable and easy to steer with a clear sky and a ripe full moon above us. Just like sailing in black and white. It is warm also. The crew now stands watches in just a tee-shirt.

Another good dawn comes with a weird odour from The Library - Homan's forward cabin. Maggots were found and, after extensive investigation the culprit is revealed as a broken, rotten egg. The jury is still out but is likely to acquit the cabin resident. It will not be a unanimous verdict.

The numbers all around us are coming down. Miles-to-run is 1086 (Doomsday Book?) - we will cross the half-way mark from Cap Verde in the night tonight. The number of edible vegetables is seriously down. A clear out today revealed only courgettes, apples and oranges. Despite this Skip cooked (his first! this trip) a wonderfully colourful lunch served on Mrs Cuthbert's lobster pattern display plates. High tea will follow soon - again Mrs Cuthbert's cake will feature. Nav-man oiled the teak table on deck. It smells of English summers.

With the stronger winds come bigger seas - a bit wibbly-wobbly but there are no weak stomachs left. The sea is full of sea-weed. Amazing given that the nearest land is Guyana 878nm away.

The West Indies are now showing on our chart plotter on deck - currently we are aiming at Antigua. We will turn left soon.

Blogs staying short to avoid techno-probs.

Happy St Nikolaus Day to all.