GPS workaround
Fri 21 Nov 2014 08:37
28:07.44N 015:25.30W Friday 21st November, 2014 Learnt to use a sextant just in case the US turns the satellites off. We have spent a small fortune in the fish tackle shop only to be told by an optimistic Aus that he'd sailed 12,000 miles and only caught eight fish. Nic and I managed to tangle the (new) fishing line and spent 2 1/2 hours untangling it and being laughed at by said helpful Aus. We did manage to avoid scrubbing the deck - Bill's endeavour at boat discipline (not too successful!). Slightly worried about the number of sutures on board and Paul Baines Paul MD MA (Oxon) BA MRCP FRCA FFICM view that stitches were the answer for most cuts. His eyesight isn't that great either. Worked through a huge amount of gear on boat which really is a floating boatyard. Cockroaches and the accompanying veg did not arrive so have a busy day tomorrow cleaning spuds. Cleaning detail - those not in the Gunnery Department (Shrimpy and Nic) - fed up as now pouring with rain & sand from the Sahara. Nic and I are steadily hiding cleaning materials in unreachable voids. |