Apologies for Blogging probs...technology a little thin out here
Tue 2 Dec 2014 19:56
16:58.02N 028:18.80W Day Nine at Sea - 02/12/14 We all felt as though we'd spent a night in a tumble dryer with the humidity setting on. Big Atlantic waves (unsurprisingly - says Skip), black, wild squalls and we are pleased to say some decent wind inside them. All six watches waited out last night saw a squall which livened the standard 15-25 kts, into the more thrilling mid to high 30's. That is 9kts+ territory for Juno. She loves a blow. Skip keeps getting up and calling for more reefing. How will they ever get on. The crew were spared the deck licking this morning on account of the rain but, conscious of the need to deploy hands to meaningless tasks, Engineering was assigned some simple bolt tightening duties. Many needed our attention. In contrast, Foredeck slept most of the morning only to take the helm during another large squall to try to beat the 10.9kt record established (and self-certificated) by Nav-man. We are flying under twin headsails (think massive) with the wind just a little over our right shoulders - starboard that is. Still NO FISH despite a number of hits on the lure which is now enhanced with offerings of flying fish or squid which hop on board during the night. Shrimpy is starting to look worried each time live bait is mentioned. He is also beginning to despair that the oft-promised trade winds do even exist. We had a good run over the last 24 hours - 182nm and expect better figures tonight. Skip may be massaging all the numbers to keep our chins up. He controls all the information flow. He is the only one who knows for sure which ocean we are in. As we close, we would like to extend a heartfelt and grovelling apology to the many lovers, family, friends and creditors who have been following us on the blogosphere. We did get a little lackadaisical about blog posting in the giddy excitement of our arrival and repair in the Cap Verdes. In the information vacuum that ensued, we have received a few concerned emails and satphone calls. It was not danger, or strife or Mermaids that stayed our hand, merely sloth. That fellow has been banished to the Pullman cabin. May I assure everybody out there that we will try for a mid-afternoon posting each day for the remainder of the trip. Sozza. Technology problems at our provider may also be responsible. Bill sends his best mid-Atlantic wishes to Miss Anderson. He is pictured with Shrimpy with the first of the evening's squalls coming over the horizon. Anna - we love the t-shirt....but he is less of a Medium, more of a Large. 1,736 to go. |