Chorizo for lunch

Position 40 13.2 N 16 22.8W Sunday
7th June Plymouth 795 NM The
wind arrived a little later than expected, filling in around daybreak today.
Irie’s leaping along in 25 – 30 knots of wind from the south west with a
steadily building sea. These occasionally rush past in a welter of breaking white foam, known
for some obscure reason as Skipper’s daughters (see below). Up to the north of
us, the low is tracking along and as it overtakes and the cold front moves
through (spiky marks on the chart), the wind should veer to the west and then we
can gybe round and start heading north east. That probably won’t be until
tomorrow so as to keep a fair distance from the low; last’s night’s forecast –
‘Low 997 Altair and Charcot, force eight, locally nine, seas rough to very rough
occasionally high, fierce gusts’ – some respect due methinks. Still, the sun’s
peeping through, lunch was an excellent chorizo concoction with rice, and
supper’s only five hours away, time for a little siesta Knot:
Highwayman’s hitch Saying: Wrap Full Yesterday’s
Knot: Constrictor knot Saying: Skippers
Daughter |