Edging closer

Postion 40 28.9N 22 48.2W Friday
5th June Plymouth 981 miles Less than 1000 miles to Plymouth – Hoorah, the only fly in the ointment being that we are tracking due east in a modest breeze, waiting for a low to form, fill and disappear just above us. We should have plenty of wind in twenty four hours or so, and depending how the system behaves, should be back heading north east on Monday or so. Meanwhile dozens of dolphins have swarmed in to delight and entertain, while Jero had an exciting moment with a nine inch squid (careful), that leapt out of the sea, cleared the spray hood and landed in his lap, though whether in haste to see us or escaping a worse fate one can only speculate. The first days or back at sea were quite disorientating after a sojourn on land, but routines are once more well established. Today’s Liv’s birthday – Happy Birthday, and an excuse for cake and balloons – quite a shock when they explode in the early hours on watch. Meanwhile, the Portuguese coast creeps closer on the GPS, the sun rises and falls, and two thirds of a moon peers down at night.