On the way
Fri 1 May 2009 12:58
Position 18 02.17N 63 06.00W
Simpson Bay
Well, the great return has started, even if only in
a small way. Jan was first, waving a slightly sad farewell to Irie and then
taking the quick route home via VS 34, and is even now gardening, dealing with
all the post, and catching up with the family. Jeronimo flew in,on Tuesday,
dossed with Pete and Liv on Tuesday night, and then we all completed the
Antiguan administitive nightmare, rmoving Jan from the boat, installing Pete as
skipper and addig the rest of us as crew - really nice not to be responsible
adult any more. We had a quick get to know you session in the Cap Horn
restaurant and then returned to the boat for an early night.
Four am reveille, off the anchor at five and
sailing down he coast and thn north east on therhumb line to St Martin. The
early breeze turned light, so we motored twelve hours of the seventeen, and
sailed the rest.
It was a great beding down day - early on a whale
blew and then sounded a few hundred yards off the stern, the cruisng chute was
flown, and procedure sorted, preliminary guitar and mandolin master class
took place, and as the dusk gathered and the lights of St Martin closed in,
Jeronimo played some moody flamenco through the stereo as we slid up to the
anchorage. It now appears that a major part of the tasks of two thirds
of the crew will be engaged in beard growing. Results will be judged at the
Scilliesand then removed. Marks will be for style rather than volume, as
Jeronimo already has a head start by way of an impressive dark head of hair and
a an afternoon shadow by about elevenses. To complete the excercise,
Pete had his head shaved for the first time in his career. Pictures may or may
not be available.
Beards, day one
Liv in convict replicating mode