On and on and...

Position 36 55.6N 35 55.9W Sunday
24th May Well,
rather more of the same today, the wind’s moved round behind us, but still
fairly light, and we motor endlessly over an infinite sea. There was a modicum
of excitement last night as Jeronimo happened to be near the bows, and spotted a
long piece of line. He promptly killed the engine, and Pete went for a swim to
find a piece of net just about to wrap round the prop. It was easily removed but
could have been much more of a nuisance if not for Jero’s sharp eyes. More of he
sextant today, and real progress with several sights working out to within a few
miles – it’s still pretty head banging stuff though. Highlight of the afternoon
was a tow behind the boat, very refreshing and coupled with a good soaping
gave a forced wash to those needy little places. Knot of the day: Turks Head Nautical Saying: Pluto