Couscous and Chorizo

Position 30 54.42N 55 30.24W
15th May Still
heading south in idyllic conditions. It’s much cooler here than in the
Caribbean, though and a fleece is handy at night. It looks like we had a bite on
the fishing line but lost it, but will keep trying. The low’s forming up to the
east of us, and the weather is performing just as Uncle Herb predicted, wind
slowly strengthening and backing to the west. The aim is to get down to around
30 North and turn east. A high standard of cuisine has been
maintained so far, today’s offering being – seasoned cabbage with couscous and
chorizo for lunch, chile and pasta for dinner, though it won’t be too long
before tins are the order of the day. No signs of alcohol withdrawal symptoms as
yet, though a huge jar of peanut butter has been ceremonially opened and seems
to be evaporating. Shipboard life is a real microcosm and becomes the only
focus, standing watch and helming, mealtimes, even a wash develop a life of
their own as the boat wanders steadily on – far out man! Must rush, there’s a
knot of the day demanding attention. Knot
of the day: Monkey’s fist Nautical
saying: Sea pie (next week’s
menu) |