Due East

Position 32 39.1N 62 23.9W
12th May Just
to the north of us a sharp depression is moving east across the Atlantic, and
we’re bowling along in its coat tails driven by a brisk south-westerly. It’s
keeping us a little south of where we might be, but giving a good push to the
east. At some point we’ll need to head north to more consistent winds and a bit
of current. Bermuda’s now falling well behind, much to Pete’s relief.
Unfortunately the holding tank in the aft loo became blocked, and since he
seemed to take major responsibility for this, he volunteered to unblock it. A
small swim later and term of the day had to be poop. Otherwise not much to report other than
blue skies, blue sea with white curly tops and occasional jellyfish cruising
along with a semi circular sail as propulsion. Knot
of the day: Lovers knot Nautical
term: Fiddlers Green |