All around the low
14th May Well,
the plan to make more northing has been well scuppered by the low building just
south and east of us. It’s a fairly fresh system and there’ll be pretty vigorous
north east winds in the sector that we are currently inhabiting, so plans have
changed, and we’re now pottering south to work anti clockwise round it using the
wind to our advantage and keeping out of the nasty bit. We contacted a chap
called Herb tonight on the HF radio to get some advice on weather routing. He’s
a venerable Canadian of indeterminate years who sits in his eyrie in the north,
dispensing valuable advice to yachts crossing the Atlantic or traversing the
North American eastern sea-bord.
He’s excellent, but short fused if messed about, so it was good to get
his confirmation of or plan. The good news is that we’ll pick up fairly fresh
winds to speed progress. Over the ex few days our track should describe part of
a circle round the low if it behaves as predicted – watch this space. Other than
that the weather’s been idyllic. On watch last night the boat was surrounded by
phosphorescence, trails of glittering sparklers in the bow wave, and a rocket
like fiery wake streaming behind. Aloft, the sky loomed clear, the faint
masthead light tracing and retracing a delicate spiro-graph across the stars. In
the cockpit, the silhouette of the wheel stood out against the soft glow of the
instrument nights, while from below, stentorian snoring – well you can’t have
everything. |