Until next time ... ... ...

sailing phase of Exercise MIDNIGHT SUN has finally come to an end. At 0815 this morning the crew met up at
the yacht to find out what unlucky cleaning jobs they were going to be awarded
with for the day. But before this
delight could be revealed the yachts contents had to be fully unloaded, every
locker emptied so that the boat could be thoroughly cleaned. It is surprising how much equipment had
to be unloaded, all the crew’s issued clothing and sleeping bags, from both
legs, all the uneaten food (much of which has some how found it’s was into the
students bags!) The clothing needs
to be dried out after its 5 weeks at sea, and this is not an easy task as winter
seems to be here already and it has been raining all day! All the extra equipment that the Royal
Signals added to Adventure to make life a little easier also needed to be
removed and all the original equipment that we had chosen not to take had to be
replaced, and all this was being carefully watched by Stuart, itinerary in
Once fully
unloaded the deep clean began, rubber gloves were donned and the bleach and
disinfectant were out in force! The
beds had to be aired, the galley and heads scrubbed, bleached and disinfected,
the forepeak emptied and cleaned, and the bilges deep cleaned. The crew are still working in their
watches and there is still inter watch banter, which goes to show how
adventurous training like this creates team work and camaraderie. It brings people together from all walks
of life; some who had never met previous to meeting at the TA centre in
Oz, “It’s
nice to be up here when it’s flat!” One of my
best moments of the day was our ‘Award Ceremony’, 5 of the crew were awarded
their ‘RYA Competent Crew’ certificates.
All had reached and surpassed the required level over the many weeks of
training and 3 weeks at sea. Well
done to all!
Andy and
Louise with proud smiles after receiving their Competent Crew
certificates The
planning that goes into a major project like this takes a huge amount of
imagination and a massive amount of effort, with hours of planning, phone calls
research and sourcing of equipment. With in the sailing side of the expedition
their a few people who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the projects
success. Our utmost thanks go out
to these background workers, Capt Mark
Giles for administration and kit acquisition, Capt Terry Hackett, SSgt Daz Cattle &
Sgt MJ Holt for the training weekends and JSASTC for their continued
support. Our thanks must also go to
the Master of Signals Gen Sir Sam Cowan & Brig David
Hargreaves and our new found friends and colleagues at BT as our key sponsor. It was truly fascinating to see the ERT
set up in It is now
down to me to write the final lines on the completion of this resounding
success. Another 20+ personnel have
endured the rigours of ocean sailing and have learned many valuable lessons in
doing so. I can only urge anyone
who has read about our exploits and have thought about trying sailing for them
selves and are currently serving or as a member of the TA to give JSASTC a call
and you never know, you could be writing a blog for your friends and family to
read from a thousand miles offshore and in a distant country! All you need is drive and
ambition. “What have
you done today to make you feel proud?” SSgt
Darren (Windy) Gale MBE, Skipper Adventure Leg 2. |