Final indiviual preparation

Thu 24 Jul 2008 23:30
All crew members,
I hope that you are all now fully prepared for the expedition. To assist you here are a few reminders:
1. Ensure you have returned all paperwork such as medical forms, personal travel to/from the expedition plan, next of kin details and final payment.
2. Make your next of kin aware of how to contact you, both the routine messages to Yacht Adventure via email and my mobile as the emergency contact number.
3. Re-read the admin order to confirm the timings and check you have all the items on the kit list, including a sleeping bag and your passport to hand.
4. Take into account the current weather; ensure you have high factor sun block, lip salve and a sun hat.
5. Think of the weather you are going to experience and ensure you have warm under layers.
6. You will require a mosquito net and DEET.
7. If you have invited anyone to the launch on Tuesday ensure you let me know now to allow for catering and to arrange access with security.
Get the little things and detail right now and you will make the hardships you are going to face that much more bearable. If you have any questions or want advice please contact Richard, Windy or myself.