Miles to do are becoming few!

appointed leader of Ginger Watch, and Lizard Point slips into the horizon and
the smell of warm Cornish pasties and tin mines reaches my nostrils; it is my
duty to submit this report of our illustrious heroes and their adventures since
departing from Greenland.
Our elite specialist team comprises of four wet warriors, each in the prime of life, and hardened by this fearsome Atlantic crossing. At present Adventure is a little damp as the last 24 hours we have bee caught in some pretty unpleasant weather. The wind is ranging from force 5 to 7 in the South West, with short sharp downpours of rain. If this could be turned in to a roller coaster ride someone would be very rich! Adventure in the Channel News Flash – Adventure's first epic, we have run out of butter! Mr. Hovis is not happy as he was going to treat us to some finely baked scones for tomorrow's mid morning treat! If that's not bad enough, we are down to our last half jar of coffee, this is being carefully rationed under the Skippers strictest orders. OCdt T Fitton aka “Tom” Age: Just a young pup Interests: Being our youngest member on Adventure, he is never left by the way side; he is the secret little diamond in Ginger Watch. When the boat is hard pressed, heeling over at 25 degrees, bouncing off waves, he can always pull out a culinary delight in the galley. The last couple of days all the watches have been practising for their Competent Crew, and Tom prides himself as the knot king! You can always tell when Tom is on the helm for the mad fits of laughter! Capt M Curtis-Rouse aka “Mike” Age: Hard paper round! Mike has a most colourful art of conversation ranging from beautiful classic cars to “what if scenarios” is going on in outer space? He has let it slip that he enjoys dressing up as a medieval knight and going jousting! He is not shy in mixing what he calls chemicals to make chocolate brownies, or his first prototype - apple yorkshire puddings! We do not think these will be a best seller in your local supermarkets!! Over the last ten days he has seen dog fight action on the fore deck, wrestling sails down in poor weather, but at present Mike is finishing the last 100 miles as he started it, sea sick and lying in bed! Sig A Macham aka “Andy” Age: You don't kiss and tell! Andy, very early on in this trip has earned a little nickname, with his cheeky character and likeness to Chris Moyles! He has a cat like stealth around the boat, always in the right place when he is needed. His quiet manner can sometimes deceive you and he varied interests from astronomy to poetry which can spark a good conversation on watch at 0300 hours!