Thu 7 Aug 2008 23:53
Hey Guys,
A short blog to publicly thank you for emailing us your best wishes, the leg has been a great success so far.  As I write we are 125 miles from Cape Farewell - the southern tip of Greenland and heading to keep clear of the ice bergs (hopefully) before turning north and heading 450 miles up the west coast and for our first destination - Maniitsoq.  Not sure yet when we will arrive (well I am but don't want to alert all those reading this just in case we fail to make that day).  Lots of variables to overcome yet including ice, fog, growlers and fast swimming Polar Bears (joke - honest).
Anyway keep the faith, we are all looking forward to seeing you in Greenland and passing on some hard won advice on downwind sailing (who would have thought we would do so much of that on leg 1.  Perhaps we are saving the hard stuff for you guys ... )
See you soon,
Emma K hope Wednesday passed well; all the very best from us all.  xx