Mon 17 Mar 2008 01:33
With my electrical skills put to the test on
Saturday trying to get the lights to work in the Galley with Kev, it was deemed
that it was taking too much time. Subsequently, on the Sunday
morning I was informed that I was to try out the Bosun's chair and see
why the Tri-Colour light at the top of the mast was not
MJ felt I would work better under pressure and
not take too much time at 82 feet! (I don't do ladders!!)
Having stepped into the harness and strapped in, I
was attached to the safety and then to the Chair. Given a spare bulb, I was
hoisted upward!. On reaching the top of the mast, I opened my eyes. The view was
breath taking. Removing the cover from the Tricolour a look of
horror covered my face as there was two light bulbs! Damn and blast!. I
replaced the top one, refitted the cover and was lowered down. I was slipping
out of the bosun's chair, and the harness was slowly biting on my 'left
tackle' - Ouch!!. On reaching the Deck, I 're-adjusted' myself and informed
MJ that I had replaced the top bulb but did not have a second for the
bottom bulb and that neither worked.
MJ smiled and said "They were not on, you have
better go back up and check, titter titter".
This time armed with 3 bulbs and a camera, I went
back up, this time more confident in the chair and enjoying the view.
The top bulb worked OK and I had to replace the bottom. Having re-fitted
the cover and slowly lowered down, all was well; however still walking like John
Eddie Allen