Wed 23 Jul 2008 22:05
Today was a gorgeous day in Gosport. For those
working to prepare Adventure outside, much sun cream was needed. The red
faces and arms are even redder.
Talking of Redders
(or Andy 3 for some of us), he had a blast today. Andy was sorting through all
the food that we have bought over the last week and categorising it and making
an inventory in preparation for updating the menu plan. Andy told me that
he wants now to become a Slop Jockey and SQMS in that order.
I think he
might have used some alternate and colourful language when no one was
around! What great fun it was for him when he had to call me at lunchtime
to let me know the laptop had crashed. I somehow doubt he appreciated me
asking if he had saved his work! Of well, we had to stifle our
chuckles But I did buy him a consolation premium prawn baguette ("to go")
so he did not need to waste time stopping for lunch! Some skippers are nice people;
then there is me! Ok fair cop. Tomorrow I am going to help
And I must say a big
thank you to Kev who spent 2 days with us. And he really achieved a
lot. Kev did all the routine maintenance that was required and then
some! Today his helper was my son Ed. Kev is a really great guy who
was kind to Ed and will be a great Watchleader for Leg 2. Oh - and thanks
for finding the diesel leak and
fixing it! That has saved several people throwing up during leg 1 trying
to find it in a sea way with the lovely smell of diesel in their nostrils and
bile in their stomachs.
So we now have to
clean the galley and start the loading! Can't wait!