Red Watch - Weymouth to Portsmouth

It was two thirty in the early hours of Friday morning when I finally met
up with the crew of Adventure in a rainy However thirty minutes into the trip I started to feel that perhaps red watch had planned some kind of an initiation ceremony for me as I soon started to feel a little bit queasy!! A couple of minutes later and I was face over the side of the boat ‘feeding the fish’ much to the amusement of the rest of my watch who had suffered the same fate the two days before. Luckily for me my sea sickness managed to last me pretty much the whole day so my trips to the rear quarter of the boat became a pretty regular sight for the rest of my watch, one such trip came as a bit of a surprise to me and my oily jacket took the brunt of it much to the entertainment of the rest of the crew! That aside we had an excellent day sailing with 40 plus
knots of wind and good size waves to match. We took the evening shift up on deck
which involved sailing the boat dead down wind around the southerly side of the
Isle of Wight and through to
Rachel Nicklin |