Thu 31 Jul 2008 23:17
I've been quietly dozing in my bunk, but the team
on deck decided to do some tacking practice. The banging and crashing on
deck was too much, so thought I would try a few words for the blog before
it is my turn to keep them awake. Weather
is windy, but with starlit skies to
guide our way, so my next watch will make up for my previous one, when we had
nothing but rain for the four hours on watch. That's when you find out
what is actually waterproof.
Quick word to my wife, Sheila, who came down to
wave me goodbye. (She was the one in the floaty dress on an windy day.
Nice legs.) Thinking of you and the rest of the household and thanks for
putting up with my increasing excitement over the last few weeks. Love you
loads. Muuuuua
'Night all.