Entering the final preparation phase

Sun 13 Jul 2008 21:23
I have now collected the SealSkinz clothing; everyone is getting a maroon waterproof Beanie hat, a pair of  waterproof long Merino thermal socks with a pair of liners and a pair of waterproof Winter gloves with liner.  I strongly suggest investing in a second pair of glove liners and one or two more sock liners at around £7.50 each.
The Bicester stores are collected next week, they have had to order some new clothing to ensure we have the sizes demanded and it is touch and go whether they will arrive in time.  The contingency plan if we are short is to issue some items to the crew of leg 2 just before they fly out.
Ramesh, Mike, Neil, and Allan have volunteered to help Richard and Windy prepare the yacht next week. as has Greg Taylor who has just taken the final place on leg 1.  Fort Blockhouse has confirmed all accommodation.  If you are still outstanding any paperwork, please forward it now.