49,25.20N 5,2.39W

Hello there, very strange experience
this sailing malarkey. I have just
had my first five hours sleep. We
have been on board now for three days and it’s been an experience. I myself have never sailed before so it’s
a bit of a shock when you’re asked to drive the boat … “Fine”, I said. Richard the skipper was trying to explain
how to balance yourself when at the helm he says its like driving a car, “Fine”,
I said “but I don’t drive”! Ahh … Sea sickness has been and gone hopefully; all
in all so far so good. As you
probably know by now I’m the crewman who tried to feed the world with my three
kilos of rice … My watch consists
of myself, Greg, Andy W, Andy M and not forgetting our figurehead Emma K and we
are known as the Mighty White Watch.
Any way enough from myself, I’ve got duties to do, so long speak to u
soon. Gregory Surridge known as “Scratch”. (The one on the left...!) |