The Wet (Blue) Watch
We are getting the reputation of being the watch which ends up wet (correct – but at least we have lots of wet / enjoyable experiences :) Both watches last night gave us the chance of only enhancing that view. We started the first watch a bit stormy, which evolved into a force 8 with very heavy rain storms. Ocean sailing rating of “sporty”, but nearly “emotional”. Try thinking about driving a car with no headlights, stood on top of a seesaw with someone directing a hose at you, and someone else throwing a bucket of salty water in your face for four hours. In the middle of this we had to go forward to put another reef in the sail. All were soaked through. We gratefully handed over to the next [team] watch and poured the water out of all our clothes. All too soon we got out our hot bunks, back into our wet clothes and had the opportunity of getting even wetter by taking out two reefs from the sail - whilst under water on the foredeck and trying to prevent our life-jackets going off. Breakfast was never more gratefully received. A feud may be starting up between me (Pete) and Lynda (helm wench from White Watch). I maintain she started it by throwing rubbish overboard – to windward: it executed a graceful arc back to the boat and into my face. I further maintain that if you hang your bra out to dry, it can only be expected to be found on top on the mast as a new pennant.
The Wet Watch???? Never a truer word said!!!! Yesterdays watch, 12-4am was an absolute skelping. I would liken it to driving blindfolded down a road at 80 miles an hour or driving the same way with no windscreen wipers. Today has been a lot better and we have also seen dolphins again following the boat. The plankton was reflected in the water which was surreal and stuck to your gear like glitter. Really weird to see. It is Andy’s [White Watch Leader] birthday today so Windy [Mate] has cooked up a haunch of venison which Andy brought on board. We are all looking forward to it so much! No compo on this expedition!!!! Drop me a line at the boat to let us know what is happening in the world!!! Wet and wild would accurately describe the last 24 hours. Literally!, at one point a wave washed me down one side of the yacht, my own on the hoof version of a waterslide. The fun over the recovery begins, and we are now accustomed to putting back on wet kit to work and removing it to sleep. The Wet Watch is now just hoping for some sunshine so we can finally dry out our kit. Now we have our kit dry...
Any emails from friends can be sent to adventure {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com (text only: cryptic comments only for any hot personal messages - as everything vetted by Skipper before passing on ;) [let me know when the eagle has landed - Anne for CC] Blue Watch: Anne, Pete, Allan and Neil |