Press Launch Tuesday 29 July 2008

Tue 15 Jul 2008 23:24
The press launch will be held on Tue 29 Jul 08 alongside at JSASTC Gosport between 1200 and 1400 hours. All members of the Leg 1 crew will be present and are to wear expedition polo shirts, with any member of Leg 2 who is available invited to take part.
Members of your family, unit colleagues and friends are welcome to attend the launch in order to see you off, meet other crew or see the yacht at first hand. Those of you who do wish to invite guests must ensure that you email me their names at least 48 hours in advance, that is by COP Sun 27 Jul, to ensure entry is arranged. A list will be provided to the Guard Room but there is the requirement for everyone to present proof of identity, either a passport of photo driving licence. Parking will be in the car park opposite, turning right over the bridge. There will be a light lunch buffet so ensure any special dietry requirements are included in your email. To make the most of their day, your guests may be interested in visiting the Submarine Musuem next door before or even after the launch.
Byrne Ghavalas is co-ordinating the media, with support from Media Ops. He will be communicating with you both on a crew and individual basis as required; please support him in this. Currently he intends to have BFBS and Soldier Magazine present, but is awaiting responses from national and local press.
I would ask that any of you who have been involved with any local media, either through the project or your own unit, ensure that you forward details, with hard or electronic copies/links to websites in order that Byrne and I can collate in preparation for the PXR and to avoid duplication.
Although the planned date of departure of Adventure is Wed 30 Jul, if the preparation of the yacht and of the crew of leg 1 goes well. matched by suitable weather and tides, the skipper may decide to set sail a day earlier and just after the press launch. This decision cannot be made until very close to the time but everyone should be fully prepared for this as it would be very beneficial to the expedition. Remember; prior planning and preparation prevents poor performance - so ensure you have all the personal clothing, equipment and paperwork ready now; check it fits and is servicable and pack items in labelled waterproof bags.