More bad weather

Melvyn Brown
Fri 17 Sep 2010 19:26


Melvyn has reached Yarmouth in Nova Scotia, poised for the trip across to the United States. Some debate as to where he will land and he won't be leaving until Saturday at the earliest because yet more bad weather is forecast.

He is still in the company of the Norwegians on their boat Ilanga. They are also writing a blog (if you Google ss-ilanga you have the option to translate into English - with some unexpected, and often hilarious, results). Melvyn features in their blog and so do my cousins who entertained the three of them so well in Halifax. Both boats are still sailing as a small flotilla. The Norwegians plan to sail up the Hudson River from New York and then have the boat transported by road to the Mississippi (three points in a Spelling Bee).

Melvyn and I had a Skype call last night - aren't these computer thingies wonderful(!!). I was relieved to see he hadn't gone entirely native and given up shaving. He said how friendly everyone had been, with locals coming down to the harbour just to chat and ask them where they were from and where they had sailed and passing fisherman waving and calling out (he said it happens in the UK too but the gestures and banter are somewhat less friendly!). They are being told the natives aren't anywhere near as friendly in the US...we shall see, my past experience is they find the Dorset accent riveting!

I am planning to fly over next Thursday (23rd). I have the Marmite and M&S Tea Bags and he says he can't think of anything else he wants me to bring from the UK. I trust there will be frequent opportunities to update the blog and I'm looking forward to getting some photographs uploaded too.

This may be the last blog entry from "The Scribe" - the next one may be from "Anne, Crew"!


The Scribe