Stuck on Staten Island

Melvyn Brown
Sat 16 Oct 2010 13:47
40:32.6N 74:08.3W

We arrived here in Great Kills Harbour (not the most comforting of place names for someone mentally re-running every CSI New York episode they have ever watched....) on Thursday lunchtime after an "exciting" sail through New York Harbour. Plenty of photo opportunities as we passed by the Empire State Building, went under Brooklyn Bridge and out passed the Statue of Liberty, all the while keeping an eye open for a various ferries, container ships and the odd fishing boat - seemingly oblivious - anchored in the midst of all the river traffic. The fishermen reeled in a stripped bass just as we approached (read "avoided") them and held it up for our inspection.

Our route included Hells Gate where the speed of the tide meant that although the engine speed was five or so knots, we were actually travelling at over 10 knots. Of course, if the tide is flowing the other way you will appreciate the boat would simply stop dead. We were up at 5 o'clock and set off at first light in order to ensure the tides were in our favour.

We haven't had access to the Internet for a week now, and so we hadn't been able to check the weather, but fortunately we had picked the one window of opportunity to leave New York before a storm blew in on Friday (gusts of up to 50mph). The marina in Great Kills (on Lobster Joe Truscelli Drive!) offered the most basic of facilities - although they still charged $2 per foot per night - and while it might have sufficed for a single overnight stay when we learned we would be stuck here for another two days we tried the marina next door. They at least offered a shower (but still no WIFI) and wanted to charge $3 per foot. Melv negotiated a reduction to $2.50, but in effect that makes it a very expensive shower, as there is nothing else to warrant the additional $17 per night. (We are actually using the Internet at the Greasy Spoon Cafe next to the marina.)

We are actually on Staten Island - although it doesn't feel like New York - any more than I suppose Ealing feels like London to a visitor who equates the capital with the Changing of the Guard, Harrods and Big Ben.

Here is a photograph taken as we motored through New York harbour.
