Destination: Galapagos

Jason and Emily Willis
Mon 2 Apr 2007 21:25
In a little over 850 miles, we will be in the Galapagos, famous for
tortoises, finches and blue boobies! (tee-hee). This would not take very
long if there was some wind, but there isn't all. We have just left
the Las Perlas islands behind and are about to have our first night back out
at sea. Its been a while. The iron Jenny is doing its best. We have her
humming away at about 1500 rpm, a little under cruising speed, to try to
conserve fuel. We are doing just over 4 knots, and heading a little
south-east of the Galapagos.
The current weather forecast predicts wind south of here in the next 72
hours. We just have to get south to find it, and hence we are not sailing
straight for the islands, but rather down, to get us beyond the ITCZ at
around 5 degrees North and then hopefully to wind! There is no forecast
convection activity, so hopefully that means an easy time of it on the edge
of the ITCZ - this can be an area of squalls and BIG lightening storms.
We have 3 lines out, one on a sinker, fishing deep, another at around 5-8
feet and then a squid lure hanging around the surface. And so far...nothing!
Oh well. Tonight is Veggie Thai Curry, and if we catch a fish this will
quickly become Thai fish curry! I have about an hour and bit to deliver the
goods. And who said cruising was stress-free. This hunter-gatherer is
starting to feel real pressure, I can tell you!
It was a strange feeling leaving our anchorage. There's a part of you that
doesn't want to go, doesn't want to leave the safety of a nice quiet bay,
doesn't want to leave new-found friends behind. And then there's another
part that yearns new places, new adventures. The former is almost the
stronger emotion, and we have had to be strong and agree to leave, with no
excuses, not buts, just head out and get going. The first 3 days are always
the worst. The body clock takes about 3 days to get used to the new routine
of night watches and sleep in 3 hour stints.
We work the following watch patterns. Dinner at 1800, then watches start at
1900. Ems takes this first watch until 2200. Then J is on from 2200 until
0100. Ems then on until 0400 and then J back on for the dawn watch from 0400
till 0700. After that we have no formal watches during the day, just
snoozing when we feel tired and enjoying the trip.
Anyway, that's it from us. Day one of our little 'hop'.
Till the next time
J and Ems xx