Back to the Grind

Jason and Emily Willis
Sat 27 Jan 2007 23:53
We plan to get out of here in the next few days. We could of course keep on painting and varnishing, but have to draw a line somewhere. The weather is still OK for a trip to Bonaire. Winds up to 20 knots and swell not too bad. Once we start getting into this part of the Caribbean sea, things hot up somewhat. We have to be more careful about weather and passage planning, as weather systems develop here quickly and can get ugly too, with big seas building off the coast of Columbia and Venezuela.
The plan is to do some diving in Bonaire, as we have not dived since BVI. Fuel etc is also much cheaper in this part of the world, so plan to stock all the jerry cans ready for the BIG trip. It seems amazing to think we will be in Panama in a month or so. I just do not know where the the time has gone.
We have now been through the Caribbean island chain. Part 2 of the journey has to start. We wish we could have had longer in the Caribbean. There was so much we did not do. It seems strange though to think that this whole experience to date has really been a sea trial for what is to come.
Thanks again for all your emails. Keep them coming. It is lovely to catch up with all the news from wherever you are. We are often on Skype, so feel free to give us a call! Email if you want the skype name!
Till the next time
J and Ems xx