Happy as fish in water!

Jason and Emily Willis
Fri 9 Feb 2007 20:52
We now officially have more water 'on tap' than you can shake a proverbial
stick at. The water maker is fitted and working - yippeeeee! I have never
felt so clean and indeed am awash with water, I've drunk so much of it. Why?
Because I can!
Its not the quietest little fella, but he just likes you to know that he's
constantly toiling away on our behalf. Obviously we are both overcome with
the emotion of the event. It was the last 'big' job on the list and I can
confirm the list was ceremoniously ripped up and placed in the bin this
morning at around 11 am.
Of course the whole installation was not without upset. Things did not go
smoothly, but then if they had, perhaps the water would not now be tasting
quite so good! Its a good job that Ems is small enough to climb into
cupboards or the water maker may have ended up in Davey Jones'
Anyway, its only a short blog today. We just felt compelled to share our
joy! We are still in Bonaire. Tonight we are entertaining on board, which
should be fun and then may be going to see a band. The problem is they dont
get going till about 1030, so grandma may not be able to stay awake till
Tomorrow we dive again and then stow the boat ready for Curacao on Sunday -
a 35 mile trip down wind from here.
Till the next time!
Lots of love and glasses of water
J and Ems xx