Hello San Blas

Jason and Emily Willis
Wed 7 Feb 2007 21:03
At 1430 today, we officially arrived in the San Blas. We had a horrid trip
here, fighting a fickle wind on the nose, that kept coming and going. We
ended up motoring a fair bit of the way, so as to be sure of making landfall
with good midday sun. I saw nothing the entire time, but Ems was visited by
dolphins on 2 occasions - she must be very blessed!
We did however catch another Mahi Mahi this morning - what a fighter. It
took ages to get him in and then just as we were lifting him onto the back
of the boat he made a leap for freedom - bummer!
It was sad leaving the San Bernando Islands, as we were the only boat there.
We went kayaking before we left and explored the untouched coastline. I went
fly fishing but there were not many fish to be seen. I was also in desperate
need of a haircut so we took the clippers to the beach and Ems cut my hair
whilst I sat with my tootsies in the sand and the sea lapping up against
them - the best view I have ever had at a hairdressers (excepting of course
Linda's utility room where my haircuts are normally done). It was a very
beautiful spot indeed, and I could have quite happily resided there on Serai
for a few months! Ems, though was cracking the whip, so
onwards we went!
We are now anchored off a palm tree lined beach in about 20 ft of water.
Again, we are the only boat. The island is called Isla de Pinos, so be
careful how you say this! It in fact means Whale in Kuna, because from a
distance it vaguely looks like a whale (well with a bit of imagination!).
The natives of these islands are Kuna Indians. So far, and it is early days,
they have seemed quite shy, although they wave and grin a fair bit.
This island lies towards the bottom end of the San Blas - a chain of islands
that runs 120 miles up the coast of Panama, south of the canal. Over the
next few days we shall be slowly making our way up through them, in search
of the ever elusive Nick and Lynds on Zest!
Keep in touch, one and all. Till the next time..
J and Ems xx