Back in the water

Jason and Emily Willis
Mon 13 Nov 2006 13:44
AT LAST.....Serai is back where she belongs - in the water! We finally
splashed on Friday 9th November after working on the boat for 2 long weeks in
the yard. She now has freshly painted hulls and we are just about to start
revarnishing all her wood. The yard was hot and dusty but we got alot done and J
managed to fit the Autohelm and get the outboard for the dinghy working. Yippee
we now have wheels!
The engine started first time after 3 months on the hard so we both had big
grins on our faces! We are now anchored in Great Hrabour, Peter Island, BVI.
Where the sun is shining and the sea is cool. Its a much more pleasent a place
to work on the boat than the yard.
Our plan is stay around the BVI for the next week or so and then we are
moving on - although it will be sad to say goodbye to the BVI - which has been
our home for the past 3 years, the time has come and Serai is pulling at the
reins to get into open water and do what she was built for - to sail. So we are
off to the next island St Martin.Only a short hop but a good test for all of us.
Until then we continue to make Serai our home and catch up with friends here in the BVI before we move onto discover the rest of the caribbean. Until next time Em and J xx |