Serai in the Galapagos

Jason and Emily Willis
Wed 11 Apr 2007 15:30
After 850 fairly slow miles, we have arrived in Wreck Bay, Isla San
Cristobal. Of course there was the usual cruise ship parked up as we
arrived! Lovely. It is lovely to be here, and we are looking forward to a
whole night's sleep tonight.
We had some strange happenings during the night. I was on watch and reading
my book. I heard a strange sound over on the port side, but thought nothing
of it. I then heard another strange sound about 5 minutes later, and with it
came the most fearful smell. Quick sticks I woke Emily and informed her that
she needed to check the veg baskets as something truly dire was occurring.
She woke a little dazed and confused but seemed to get the point. Once on
deck we heard the noise again a little closer this time. It was a whale
surfacing near the boat. Now we were nervous. It surfaced again behind us
and we breathed a sigh. Suddenly though, it was on the starboard side and
less than half a boat length away. It was dark so we couldn't see it, but we
could see a long trail of phosphorescence that suggested it was HUGE.
Frightened, we quickly turned to port and tried to get clear of it. We did
not hear it again! Thank God. Our hearts we in our mouths. It was a really
worrying few minutes, as I thought we had lost all our fruit and veg.
Imagine my relief to discover it was only a silly little whale! NOT!
Anyway, will email more news and pics once we find an iternet cafe - guess
we'll just follow the crowds off the cruise ship! I am going to try to stop
myself here from writing a tirade against cruise ships, as I'm sure some
readers are fervent cruise-shippers. Sorry guys, I just don't like them!
Ems also told me that I had to let you all know, that along with the
champagne and the lure, we also donated ginger biscuits to Neptune...and not
just a couple; she only went and emptied the whole packet over the side. She
said the gift had to be something worthwhile, something you treasured,
something of value. Indeed, but could we not have just thrown in our life
savings? Ah no, that's already gone into the boat! A whole packet of ginger
biscuits seemed generous in the extreme. I only hope Neptune likes
Till the next time.
Lots of love
J and Ems xx