Heading South at Last!

Flyer of Lorne
Dave Sturrock
Tue 18 Nov 2008 06:40
35:00.28N 07:08.86W
Monday 17 November.
After a day of intensive activity mainly aloft at
Gibralter, we had repaired the key items that had been damaged. Our new
crewmates deserve a lot of credit for their input in helping the two tired old
guys sorting out the boat. Zoe was at the masthead on 3 separate ocasions for
around 4hrs in total in fairly windy conditions. The furling unit was freed
off and re-attached to it's halyard. After lubricating the foil and running this
unit up and down the problem area we were satisfied that this could be put back
in service. We had 2 attempts at dropping a mouseline from the masthead to
replace the snapped gennaker halyard after the first mouseline itself became
jammed. The second time we did this we listed the boat to port slightly to help
with the correct alignment which was then successful. Frank did a great
job re-securing the mast swan neck to deck and replacing the boom u-bolt
which had pulled out of it's fitting. These jobs plus some electrical work on
the freshwater pump and lots of tidying up were all completed by around midday.
By the time we had checked out of the marina and filled up with diesel it was
12:40. We hoisted full sail and set off through the straits of gibralter
in glorious conditions with a F4-5 NE'ly breeze. This gave Flyer a cracking pace
of around 8-10knots. We put 2 reefs in the main and genoa by nightfall as the
wind was gusting up to 30knots, we had covered 85NM by