Story - Day 8

Kalandia Web Diary
Bill Peach
Fri 3 Jun 2011 22:12
You may have not received a signal from our tracker today because we had the
dodger down so that we could coordinate things from the cockpit to replace
our jib. If you remember, the halyard loop had come away from the top of
the sail. This necessitated some thinking when one attempt at climbing the
mast was abandoned after reaching the second spreaders...there was nothing
for Bill to hold on to for the last 7 a rolling sea???? No!
After a cup of Rosie Lee and baked beans on toast Dick came up with the
inspired idea of sending Bill up the Jib stay using a spinnaker Halyard
which he duly accomplished and retrieved the halyard. Harrah Harrah I can
hear you all shout. Whilst slowed down and in a calm sea they refurled the
Genoa and also replaced the mainsail outhaul with an old rope Bill had kept
(good thing he didn’t listen to me when I said he should ditch the old ropes
when we got new running rigging done). The new outhaul was really not up to
the job and kept slipping through the jammer. Hope we can turn the engine
off soon as we need to put the generator on to be able to use the washing
machine (all mod cons here). I have run out of clean knickers but for some
reason to do with salt water intakes we can’t run engine and generator at
the same time and can’t run washing machine on engine power.

Boys rewarded themselves with a gin and tonic, the first bit of alcohol they
have felt like imbibing whilst underway. (Sorry Dick says the first they
have had but he has often wanted a snifter, and don’t worry they will make
up for it when we land). Omelettes with potato and salad today if we don’t
catch any fish. Not on the menu but hey, Dick seems to be chilling even
more. We’ll have him horizontal for you Sue...if that’s how you’d like him.

Pictures of Bill sewing (we have an industrial sewing machine at home for
trialling MobMat designs. He is a dab hand at it and even takes my jeans up
for me); both men doing a grand job on deck and one Bill took from top of
the mast to prove that he was there.

And now it’s the time you have all been waiting for the answer to yesterday’s

“If a turtle loses its shell is it naked or homeless?”

Well clearly the answer is not as straight forward as turtles would have you
believe and Bex sent in this answer.........

“I’m not sure but whatever it is, it must be cold! :)”

Good answer as the sea temperature here is less than 20 deg C so Bex gets a
prize from the Azores as well.

We are back sailing again now although the winds are a little light for the
speed we want so I think we will shortly hear the donk donk donk of our Iron
Trojan again.

Night Night all you land lubbers

Bill Liz and Dick

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