Arion's West Indian Adventure
Hermione & Douglas Pattison
Sun 26 Jun 2016 15:30
We have not yet discovered whether this is, in fact, the place where the famous dance was invented, but it is a really lovely city never the less. Currently anchored just off the City Marina, it is easy access to the main part of town. Getting around is very easy, and everything is walkable- however with the children, walking in the heat is rather hard work and slow going. We take the free city bus where possible and I find this is the best way to get to know a place. Everyone seems intrigued by our ‘accents’ (although we think that we are the ones without…….!) and on the whole, people are friendly. The architecture here is wonderful- very pretty buildings everywhere and there are even window boxes with ‘normal’ flowers growing in them- something we have not seen in a very long time! Grassy parks abound and the benefits of the western world they have wi-fi in them, so Douglas can work while the children and I play!! It is very hot here and the children have been missing the beach and swimming. In one park- they have satisfied themselves by playing in the fountain and playing in the gravel lining the paths…... ( despite my protests- they were so mucky….playing in this gravel with their hands, like it was sand|) we got lots of strange looks. The things we are struggling with is the police state aspect of American City life. The children want to run around naked, and I really struggle to get them to wear clothes (I take swimmers to the fountain). When Arthur needs a wee, he tends to just find a tree. I have to keep a sharp eye on him as it is apparently illegal here and you will be fined if caught. This is all good practice for returning to normal life in the UK. The children in particular are really rather feral these days so this is a good period of adjustment. Douglas and I are trying to wear shoes for a little bit each day ( rather uncomfortable and strange!!) and I am trying to teach Alice some road safety- she has absolutely no concept of roads and traffic. Arthur I think can remember some of this from before we left. Yesterday we took the children to a Children’s Museum. Rather than a historical ‘Museum’ it is a centre filled with educational and fun things for the children. This one had an ‘art’ area, a medieval castle, a pirate ship, a construction area with huge foam blocks which Arthur just loved. They also loved the model river and lock system filled with real water where you can see how the changing water levels work etc. It was a fun and exhausting afternoon for them. We are conscious we need to keep moving North, and are waiting for a weather window. This weekend it is a Northerly again, and we are keen to go ‘outside’ rather than more ICW. In the meantime, this is a great place to be ‘stuck’. I attach some pictures to give an idea of this lovely city. Lack of Beach means we have to make do with the fountains!! Below: The Beautiful College Campus. |