Landrail Point - Crooked Island - Bahamas

Arion's West Indian Adventure
Hermione & Douglas Pattison
Tue 17 May 2016 14:40
22:49.034N 74:20.66W Log: 7725 nm

Anchored in 2.5 mts off Landrail Point. We could see that a few of the buildings had been hit by the recent Hurrcaine. We rowed Ladybird ashore and had a walk around and then we realised just how bad it was. The whole island has been server]y damaged by Hurricane Wackeene that hit on 1st October 2015. We met a local couple Lorenzo & Judy who had just finished there new house before it hit. Luckily they were not to badly effected but they gave us a tour of the island and we witnessed the devastation.

Next stop Clarence Town - Long Island. 37 nm.