7.15S 105.40 Friday 14th March and our son Vic’s18th
Birthday – Happy Day! – 15 to 20 knot SSE winds and only 35 degrees
to go to our destination!! Bennett made a tentative foray into the cockpit today and effected his
first watch for a few days and will do another tonight. His ears are still
very painful so I have dug out an old blue heidi hi skiing hat with little
strings and bobbles on the end to protect them. His only saving grace is that
it will be dark and nobody will see him! I have now contracted the dreaded BB
(Bennett’s Bug) but am dosed up with paracetamol and hoping to fight it
off. We’re all tired and or ill so have been a bit introspective
today………we are just so lucky that the boat is performing so
well and the weather has been so kind to us during our malady! I’m not
sure that illness entered my equations when originally working out the watches. We heard on the six o’clock net that Cayuko has had a problem
with his rigging as one of the chain plates has lifted off the deck but there
are quite a few of us coming up behind him if he needs help. Also he is a
ketch (two masts) so perhaps he can rob some parts off the other and do a
temporary lash up until we get to Marquesas. Apart from that no reported
problems and our fleet of 30 is steadily moving forward……. |