6.01S 96.57W Tuesday 11th March Day 4 – Bennett has
been really unwell with a nasty head cold and the shivers so Paul and I covered
his watch for him last night – three on and three off – quite
tiring but only what all the other couples do who are just two up on this
Rally, so it was interesting to experience it…..lets hope he gets better
soon! We have just hit 6 degrees south and hopefully now according to the
gribs we should start to get the trades kicking in once we get to 98W. At
the moment we are sailing (in a fashion) at around 3 – 4 knots but
rolling along with the genoa sail slapping with every (constant) change of wind
direction which isn’t really doing it any good. The plan is to motor
today to give us a chance to catch up on sleep and find those winds…. The yachts are so spread out now – over 300 miles apart –
that it is impossible to hear each other on the radio net in the mornings at
10.00am. Much relaying of positions goes on with radio controllers
inadvertently over talking each other which is all very tedious and
frustrating. However, at 1800 each evening we can all hear each other
clear as a bell due to propagation being so much better at night (I learnt in
my SSB radio course!) I think today it will go to the vote to change the
Radio Net time to the evenings – although it will undoubtedly interfere
with sleep patterns and cooking dinners!! Each time there is a radio net we have a two minute silence at the
start in case anyone has a low battery and wants to quickly call in their
position or for anyone who has a problem. Happy Wanderer skippered by
Alan and his wife Mary called in last evening as their hydraulic autopilot had
failed leaving them with the grim prospect of hand sailing the whole way across
the Pacific. You cannot believe the amount of help and support they
received – Heidenskip and Our Island talked them through all the possible
remedies, Jenny had had a similar problem and Peter the skipper gave him a
viable solution - but the biscuit had to go to Andy and Becky on Spectra who
are rendezvousing with him today midway between their two positions to clamber
aboard and assist! Alan is a favourite on this Rally – a great
character; he unashamedly sinks 30 beers a day before stabbing himself with an
insulin injection when required whilst inhaling
40 ciggies at the same time! His parting shot when saying a very big
thank you to everyone was ‘you know what they say? A friend in need
is a f…..g liability!!’ Love him! Peter and Dorothy on OUR
and sung by Dorothy and Peter s.v. Neva |