02.07.376N 102.16.150E Tuesday 18th
November The 140 nm journey to Admiral Marina near the Malaysian
clearance Port Dickson is not quite as straight forward as it seemed:
travelling with Glendora and Liahona (with Oscar on board) we decided it would
be safer to sleep at anchor each night rather than risk hitting the numerous
unlit fish traps and small fishing boats in the Malacca Strait. Ships converging in the Lowering the home made ….and raising the Malaysian one….. If you had told me a year ago we would be anchoring over night in
the Huge ships ply up and down the main channel and smaller ones drag
barges full of earth (presumably for reclamation projects); we have nicknamed
the Strait ‘Flip Flop Alley: you have never seen so many abandoned flip
flops careering down the fast tidal streams in your life! Liahona Our early starts each morning have coincided with favourable tides,
often 2.5 knots with us and our speed over the ground has been a constant 7
– 8 knots (helped with a little breeze and some squally winds).
…..we are hoping to reach Admiral Marina during daylight
today……… |