Thursday 16th August - to Cooktown

Wild Carol does Australia
John and Fiona Fraser
Thu 16 Aug 2018 16:00
145 14.657E
We didn’t hang about in Atherton, made bacon rolls and BLTs with the leftover bacon, packed up and hit the road again.
For a while we were passing fields with all sorts of stuff growing - sugar cane, bananas - and lots of stuff we couldn’t recognise - but as we headed north the landscape changed subtly again and soon we were back to driving through the familiar dry-looking savannah bush. The terrain became quite mountainous and in the distance we could see even higher mountains. We reached an altitude about 900m and then descended towards Cooktown. We even had a little bit of rain, the first since leaving Perth.
We had a look at the various campsites, picked one, then went for a drive around town. We had thought we might walk from the campsite to the start of the Mt. Cook walk tomorrow but after we got list trying to find the car park decided to drop the annexe tent and take the car.
We drove up to the viewpoint at Grassy Hill - it certainly is a spectacular setting with the reefs clearly visible.
More about Cooktown tomorrow....
Lookout on the road to Cooktown
The ‘wharf’ at Cooktown - late afternoon tropical mugginess in the sky.
View of Endeavour River from Grassy Hill.
Grassy Hill Lighthouse
View north
Mt. Cook, with Cooktown below.