Tuesday 17th July - Windjana Gorge

Wild Carol does Australia
John and Fiona Fraser
Tue 17 Jul 2018 11:00
124 56.573E
Up reasonably early to tackle the Windjana Gorge walk. Very close to the campsite unlike many of the walks. Means we can leave the camp set up and do the walk without packing everything up. A narrow entrance opening on to a wide vista with beach sand, gorge wall & river.
Many freshwater crocs, not doing very much bar taking in the rays. We walked several km through a very peaceful and beautiful shady walk with several extensive sandy ‘beach’ sections. The water level during the ‘wet’ is evidently several metres above our heads. It was about 3.5km to the end which felt quite a lot by the time the sun got up. Lots of fish in the pools - food for the crocs. On the way back we saw the bower bird st his ‘bower’ very close to the path, busily decorating and generally calling attention to himself. Returned to camp and had a Kate brunch of bacon and eggs followed by a chilled afternoon. Biscuits with cheese and olives for tea (& G&T of course). Managed to get a hot shower from the campsite solar shower before all the hot water had gone. Early to bed...