Monday 23rd July - to Mitchell Falls campground

Wild Carol does Australia
John and Fiona Fraser
Mon 23 Jul 2018 13:00
125 43.044E
We set off early and headed north. The first 40 km if the road north of Drysdale was badly corrugated and we couldn’t do more than about 40kph. After that it improved to the turnoff for Mitchell Falls. Ironically, although the sign says the road is unmaintained, just after the turn-off we found a road crew busy at work and the first few kilometres were really quite good. We stopped off at a couple of Aboriginal art sites just after the turn-off. A small selection of pics below, including the ‘burial’ site. These pictures vary in age from 1000 years or less to over 30-40,000 years. The older ones are the ‘stick men’ ones whereas the round scary faces are more recent. The old ones are called ‘Bradshaws’ and the more recent ‘Wandjina’. It’s hard not to think that these people must have been visited by aliens from space at some point!
After that, the road deteriorated with shockingly big corrugations. We crawled along, tried all sort of techniques but going fast enough to ‘get on top of them’ was too quick for safety. At one point I hit an unseen dip too fast and gave everything a massive jolt.