Thursday 26th July - Home Valley Station
Wild Carol does Australia
John and Fiona Fraser
Thu 26 Jul 2018 16:00
127 51.098E
Almost 10 before we left Drysdale for Home Valley Station as we had to collect the washing. Road mostly good as far as the Gibb. 1st part of Gibb poor with big corrugations then got better. Fantastic views over Cockburn Range just before HVS. Got 1 bar of 4G as we came down the hill so stopped to send some messages. We had choice of Station campsite complete with swimming pool and evening entertainment but opted for the ‘bush campsite ‘ on the river bank a few Ks further on. Not bad for a bush site, complete with good showers. 1 saltie basking on the opposite bank, first one we’ve seen.
First sight of Cockburn Range
Pentecost River at our campsite
Look very closely, there is a saltie on opposite bank
Our campsite