Arrival in Cascais

Wild Carol does Australia
John and Fiona Fraser
Sun 26 Jun 2011 08:05
38:41.45N 9:25.1W
We arrived in Cascais, Portugal at 1000 on Saturday 25th. Our journey
took exactly 2 days, an average speed of over 7 knots - what a contrast to the
Biscay crossing! I went in to sign in at the marina reception and there
was another Brit there signing in and muttering about "can only stay one
night....heading for Alicante...behind schedule....delayed in Biscay you
know.." I sympathised and signed in. The last time Fiona and I were
here there was no marina, just a nice anchorage off the town - so much has
change in the last 20 years. The welcome couldn't be faulted as I was presented
with a bottle of Portuguese red from the marina reception lady with a "welcome
to Cascais". Graham will report on our stay in Cascais in his farewell
blog (still waiting for Alex's!). Sadly we have had to say farewell to
another crew member as Graham heads back to commitments at home for a week then
off back to Papua to do what he does. He headed off at 6 this morning but
we got a call at 8:15 asking for my Expedia login to get his booking reference
as they wouldn't let him on the plane without it. Sadly I couldn't help as
he made the booking on the phone. Hopefully he got on the flight and is
this very minute in the air heading for Aberdeen via London.
We had a brilliant sail from La Coruna. It made up for all the
traumas and pain in getting across Biscay. The tone was set by the
wonderful lunch prepared by Iain and Max as we motored gently along the
northern coast just out of Coruna in a light wind. The wind started to
pick up from the north and before long we were bowling along heading south at
7-9 knots under double-reefed main and jib poled out. This continued for a
day and a half as we swept past spectacular coastline lined with wind
turbines. They are like forests here and I have to say I don't think
they detract from the view. As Graham puts it our generation grew up with
pylons marching across the landscape and accept them for what they are.
Iain's generation will see wind turbines in the same light.
We headed further from the coast as we pointed the boat towards Cabo Raso
near Lisbon. Graham and I had the 10-2 and 4-6 watches so we got the
benefit of both the sunsets and the sunrises. The nights were cold with
full foul weather gear needed. Damp as well, as dew settled on the boat in
the early morning. We barrelled on into the darkness in bigger seas than
we had been battling in Biscay but this time the difference was that the wind
was with us, not against us and it was exhilarating. We competed to get
the best surfing speed and I have to modestly admit that I won with 11.1 with
Iain very close behind. On the final morning the wind died and we got the sails
down and the engine on and motored the last few miles in the mist before Iain
brought the boat in to the reception pontoon at Cascais Marina.
The temperature difference as we got into the shelter of the marina hit
us. Shorts were quickly found and all the hatches opened. The two
fans I had installed in the saloon were put into action for the first
time. It was a hot day with someone in town telling us that it was 39
degrees but I'm not sure it was that hot. The temperature in the saloon
reached 29 and the water temperature is now over 19 degrees.
Well that's all from me for now. We are down to three now. 127
miles to go to Portimao in the Algarve where we are planning on leaving the
boat. Our flights home are booked - Max on Tuesday and Iain and I on
Thursday. We leave just as soon as I get this done. Here's a few
Sous chef at work
![]() The result
![]() Still cold!
![]() This is what we signed up for!
![]() Sunrise
![]() Windmills and light houses - Cabo Villano
![]() Gull winged
![]() Cascais
![]() Cascais Marina
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