Sunday 29th July - on the road again

Wild Carol does Australia
John and Fiona Fraser
Sun 29 Jul 2018 14:00
128 44.099E
Time to leave El Questro. Packed up camp and drove to the end of the El Questro road, about 16 km. Stopped to blow up tyres to sealed road pressure and drove to Kununurra where we found a camping spot by the lakeside at the Kimberley Lakeside Holiday Park, where we found a couple of our fellow travellers that we’d encountered along the way.
If anyone’s interested, the boab trees lose their leaves in the dry season to conserve water. The one in the photo is the first we’ve seen in leave, presumably because it’s near the lake.
Happy to be ‘on the road again’!
Re-inflating the tyres for the tarred road
Boab tree in leaf at Kununurra lakeshore.