Position Update - Surfin' in the dark.....

Wild Carol does Australia
John and Fiona Fraser
Fri 24 Jun 2011 09:56
41:04.41N 9:23.74W
1100 24th June
We left La Coruna at around 10:30 hrs Wednesday
23rd .... and motor sailed a wee while out through the approaches and heading
West ... after an hour or so we hoisted the Jib and Main and sailed at a good
pace towards the point and turned South .. weather was pretty dull upon
departure but the sun came out as we turned the point .. and some of us took the
opportunity to get some sun on our backs ... and legs... and arms ... and
elsewhere ....Finished a really good book - The Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz
Zafon - Spanish writer and quite apt since we are in ... ummm ...Spain
Instead of reporting on shift both Max and
Iain remained below ... but only to produce an al fresco lunch of Spanish Lomo
and Chorizo, plus an assortment of mixed salad type things all based on tomatoes
and garlic.... along with a new format for Patatas Bravas which was also
excellent .... all this washed down with a medium sized tin of cold Spanish beer
- Estrella Galicia .... the boys were forgiven and they also had the bonus that
an hour of their watch had disappeared..... hmmm. having turned the point and
heading South we set up the sails gull winged and with a brisk wind fully on
the stern, we whizzed Southwards into and through the night... I had 10:8
kn but John usurped my leading speed by doing 11.1kn... Later Iain also hit 10.8
kn.... Hate to mention the obvious but for the sake of the record we were
visited on numerous occasions by dolphins.... As Wild Carol careered
Southwards over a rough sea, these beasts flew in from all directions rushing
alongside port and starboard, and seeming to caress the bow, before as always,
departing silently..... not much sleep by anyone through the night and with the
Northerly, there was a distinct cold bite to the wind...
All changed in the morning with the sun coming up,
at first cold and white, but swiftly turning to burning hot on a clear cloudless
sky... Porridge with, and without prunes as took our fancy for breakfast, with
plans for FSB - Full Spanish Breakfast ... planned from nearer noon
....Following breakfast we completed a seamless jibe, still on the gull wing
arrangement ....And that's the end of this blog.
Believe it or not this is how to peel
![]() and this is the result - a Spanish
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