Waiting game
18:20.1N 64:55.6W Fri, Sat, Sun & Mon – 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th May Well the long wait just got longer with an email from the shipping company telling us that the ship had been delayed in the Pacific and would be at least two days later than scheduled. For those of a nosey disposition, you can follow the track of this ship at http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/details/ships/538005564 She is called the Thorco Isadora and this website tracks all ships with AIS when they are in range. The latest dates have us possibly loading Serafina onto the ship on 20th or 21st May, so not too long to go now. This, added to the serious deterioration in the weather out here did lead to some long faces aboard Serafina, but on the positive side we have Balvenie still here to cheer us up. However the main reason they are here is not because they want to spend more time with us, but simply because the water maker parts they have ordered failed to turn up. It is known as ‘island time’ throughout the Caribbean! We have some pretty strong winds and very heavy rainfall these past 4 or 5 days and it is not forecast to improve too much any time soon. Just need a few dry spells so we can get the sails off and stowed away dry. So we have been bouncing around in this rather lumpy anchorage, but because of the excellent wifi, we have been happy to put up with it so far. We are however progressing well with the odd jobs that needed doing and the general clearing out of the boat. The biggest beneficiaries here have been Balvenie who have been gleefully accepting Red cross style hampers from us as Sarah generously hands over tons of tins, jars and packets of food etc., with clear instruction for them not to read the ‘sell by’ dates. They even accepted our out of date flares on the very reasonable basis that they were less out of date than their own! The losers in this sequence are the dear Ruffians who are currently in Marsh Harbour in the Bahamas preparing for their imminent departure to the USA. They benefited from the previous clear out and would have dearly loved to be around for this latest one. However it did at least mean that Iain (Ruffian) and Mark (Balvenie) did not get to fall out over who had the one very prized jar of Marmite (my gift to Sarah on our wedding Anniversary.) We have locked Flossie away below decks as Mark has been showing far too much interest in ‘acquiring’ what he feels is the best cruising sail he has seen! |