
Rob & Sarah Bell
Wed 27 Aug 2008 19:30

39:14.302N 20:07.979E


Tuesday 26th August


Spent a frustrating hour or so trying to do some work on the wi-fi in Gaios. Very flaky connection, so only managed a few bits and pieces!


Set off for Lakka around midday and arrived to find the anchorage seemingly pretty full. Picked a spot and anchored, but then when a couple of boats moved off, we dithered a bit about moving. Decided that where we were was fine given the lack of wind and settled down to lunch. This of course was the cue for two things....firstly the anchorage began to fill and of course the wind started to rise. Three flotillas arrived as well as any number of yachts and several catamarans and it was hard to believe they could all fit in. In fact we wondered how anyone thought the Corfu ferry would get in and out, but it turns out that the ferry doesn't call here anymore!! The rising wind caused a very large swell outside the anchorage, which started to curl round into the bay. This caused the boats nearest the entrance to swing in the opposite direction to the wind and very soon chaos ensued. Protocol dictates that the boats that arrive first have priority and the others have to work round them, but it was all rather confused. In the end we had a poor night's sleep due to the proximity of other boats swinging erratically plus the long swell that continued all night that came in on our beam, causing us to roll considerably. And to round off a poor day, Sarah's temporary crown broke off again.