Poorly toe.
Rob & Sarah Bell
Fri 16 Oct 2009 15:24
Days are beginning to merge into each other and our minds are increasingly
wandering to thoughts of our trip home, which might be what poor Sarah was
thinking about when she accidently stubbed her little toe on a genoa sheet
car and almost certainly broke it...the toe that is!
On Monday afternoon we had another meeting with John and Ilham from Demir
and finalised the bimini and gantry plans. Hopefully they will start work on
the bimini soon......
In the evening we entertained Chris and Steve from Scott free to dinner and
we had a great time although it was another hot and muggy night.
Tuesday dawned with the promised rain looking very imminent, but remarkably
it held off all day although we did get some loud thunder and dramatic
lightening. Trevor and Lesley called in for tea but otherwise it was a
fairly lightweight day as we seemed to have reached the point where we are
almost ready for the haul-out now.