B is for ........
Rob & Sarah Bell
Sun 27 Sep 2009 18:45
Very little excitement to report over the weekend, other than the good news
from England that Worcester Warriors beat Sale on Saturday!
Sarah has now discovered just why we have suddenly found the boat covered in
dead and dying bees (beeseess as Pan on Paxos Island insisted on calling
them earlier this year). We understand that in the UK, beekeepers sustain
the bees alive in the hive through the winter with sugar in one form or
another, but the Turks have a rather more radical approach to this. At this
time of year they shut up the hives with the queen and grubs inside whilst
the worker bees are outside. The workers are unable to survive alone and so
they gradually fade away and die and it just so happens that there are whole
load of hives not far from the marina, hence the carnage on our decks - and
the sting in Sarah's finger!