Corfu Town

Rob & Sarah Bell
Wed 27 Aug 2008 19:56

39:37.081N 19:55.557E


Wednesday 27th August


The original plan was to stay in Lakka for a couple of days, but the situation with Sarah's tooth dictated a change.


We decided to head for Corfu Town as she was bound to get treatment there, the only question was where to stay. Gouvia Marina is the principle place and we know it well as we were based there for two years, however it has been developed out of all recognition and the fees have gone through the roof. We had planned to be there the night Tom & Ewan arrive as it is an easy place for the taxi etc. although, again quite expensive as it is a good 15 min taxi ride, as it is some distance North of the town.


The pilot book mentioned an anchorage just south of Corfu Town, next to a small sailing/yacht club, and given that it is both free and just a stone's throw from the town centre, we opted to take a look. It turned out to be almost ideal. There were two small yachts, plus three huge super yachts at anchor when we arrived. We picked a clear spot and anchored. Sarah then went ashore to see what she could find out about a dentist, whilst I stayed on board as there were one or two unlikely characters swimming in the bay!


The good news was that she had a very successful trip and as well as arranging to see a dentist tomorrow, she also found that we were very welcome to moor in the yacht club's little harbour for the next two nights. This is perfect for us as it is barely 5 minutes from the airport and close to the town centre. Clearly use of their facilities is a well kept secret, although by the evening there were two more very large super yachts backed up to the outside wall of the yacht club's harbour, so we will be in very exclusive company!


The trip up was fairly uneventful apart from seeing flying fish and a flock (?) of possibly 50 pink flamingos which flew overhead.